Friday, March 7, 2008

secound aaissignment /characters

to me the main character is eleanor and the reason why i feel like its eleanor is because in the first few pages of my book they focus in what kind of childhood she gad growing uop and whatr kind of family like setting shes in oa the moment.

i feel that eleanor is going to be a big sourse of what happens in this book and that sheb will maybe find some understanding of what her life is going to be like or whAt her life goals will be in the future .

i havent really havent gone to far into the story yet but from what i can understand that if i was the main chracter i would be feeling some confusion and anger , tast bittterness ,and smell death

Friday, February 29, 2008

first assingment

the book i choose was The Haunting Of Hill House written by Shirely Jackson. the reason i choose the book was because it seemed like it wiould be intresting and scarey and that it would keep me thinking the whole time.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

about me

hello my name william jeff galloway you know me as jeff i am a senior at amphi high school its lame but have no choice.